The client wanted to modernize an existing logo for a product used in water treatment. To avoid moving too far from the original branding of the product, the client wanted the updated logo to feature a centaur, as is featured in the original logo. The logo design incorporated colors and typography consistent with the branding of the product’s larger line.

Logo designs for the client’s new product offerings in water treatment. The products are part of a larger line, so it was important that the design aesthetic fit with the product line and reference the line’s flagship product.

Bactisorb is used in biologically-active filtration systems. The client wanted to communicate the eco application as a differentiator from the rest of the products in the line through the use of 'green' imagery. We decided on a leaf in the form of a water drop.

A reference to a shield signals strength and protection, while the design also pulls in shapes and color palette from the current FILTRASORB logo, to achieve a consistent brand look across the product line.